Elizabeth Smart, a nationally-recognized teenage kidnapping survivor and survivor advocate, interviews Wendy in this exceptional two-part podcast discussion entitled, “Healthy Intimacy after Abuse.” It first aired in July of 2021.
Elizabeth reached out to Wendy because her podcast listeners were regularly sharing many concerns about sex. Their discussion is warm, candid, and peppered with stories from their own healing experiences as survivors.
Sexual healing is such an important area in sexual abuse recovery that Elizabeth and Wendy take time to get specific about helpful concepts, approaches, and interventions. They provide insights, ideas, and healing information. Elizabeth is remarkable in her ability to overcome her own challenges and then move forward and create her “Smart Talks” podcast forum where thousands of survivors of sexual abuse find comfort and help.
Part 1 – The importance and process of sexual healing (Ep. 2.08)
- Why sex is a challenging topic for survivors and what they need to feel safe
- How to recognize the sexual effects of sexual abuse
- How sexual healing is a choice and when you know you’re ready
- How intimate partners are impacted by the original abuse
- The importance of developing positive sexual attitudes and self-concept
- How a couple can work together to heal
Listen to Episode 2.08 here
Part 2 – Overcoming touch and sex problems (Ep. 2.09)
- How to deal with unwanted automatic reactions to touch
- Stopping unwanted sexual behaviors
- Working together with a partner to heal
- Relearning touch with creativity, communication, reconditioning
- Addressing sexual functioning and fantasy concerns
- The joys of sexual recovery
Listen to Episode 2.09 here