In a new article entitled, “Post Election, Survivors of Assault are Struggling to Have Sex Again,” Huffington Post reporter, Catherine Pearson, explores how Trump’s shocking election win has been re-traumatizing sexual abuse survivors and causing sex and intimacy problems. She quotes Wendy Maltz about the phenomenon and mentions The Sexual Healing Journey as a resource. Catherine discusses how Trump’s physical characteristics and his getting away with perpetrating sexual assaults can trigger a BIG TURN-OFF to sex. Survivors may experience Trump’s having been voted into the highest office in the land by others as a betrayal by society and a dismissal of the seriousness of sex abuse. As depressing as it may be, it can be helpful to keep in mind the fact that, regardless of who’s president: We all have the right and power to define and make sex what we want it to be in our own lives and loving relationships.
Catherine Pearson

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