Come join Ilene Dillon, The Emotional Pro (blog talk radio) host, and Wendy Maltz, author of Private Thoughts: Exploring the Power of Women’s Sexual Fantasies, for a lively and stimulating discussion entitled, “50 Shades of Insight: Women’s Sexual Fantasies” on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 (9 am PT/12 noon EST). You can listen live and share your reactions, ideas and ask your questions (toll-free, 1-888-498-0570) or access the archived version of the show.
About the Healthy Sex Blog
Welcome to the Healthy Sex blog. Here we share the latest news and information about Wendy’s media interviews, presentations, and publications. You can find blog posts listed according to topic categories such as Sex & Love, Sex Abuse Healing, Sexual Fantasy, Porn Recovery, Reflections on Sex, and more – as well as by the date posted.

Reflections on Sex (RoS) posts
“Reflections on Sex” is a special category of blog posts featured in the Healthy Sex blog. It is sometimes referred to using the abbreviation, RoS. These blog posts serve as a running column, like a newspaper column. In these writings, Wendy shares the most fascinating ideas and insights she gained about sex in her more than forty years of work as a sex educator and therapist. New “Reflections on Sex” blog posts are published periodically and are highlighted on this page. To find out as soon as one is posted follow Wendy Maltz on Twitter or Facebook for announcements.

“Reflections on Sex” provides me an exciting opportunity to examine sex from old and new perspectives and share stories and ideas I haven’t written about before. I’m eager to tell you about the people, experiences, and discoveries that caught my attention and influenced my life. I hope you will find my observations entertaining as well as informative. Perhaps they will inspire you to reflect on your own journey with sex, how your views about it have changed, and what sex means to you.
Wendy Maltz
Healthy Sex Blog
Pandora’s Project Q & A on Sexual Healing – Pt. 1- March ’13
Wendy Maltz answers some tough questions about sexual healing in a new article published in thePandora’s Project March 2013 newsletter. The questions cover topics such as casual sex, sexual fantasies, and how to stay present during sex. The newletter also features the “Drawing on Body” relearning touch exercise from The Sexual Healing Journey.
(Note: Wendy answers more questions in the June newsletter.)
Pandora’s Project is a nationally-acclaimed nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information, support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family. They have been devoted to recovery and healing since 1999.
The questions Wendy answers in the newsletter came from members of their online support group, Pandora’s Aquarium. Survivors involved in the project know that connecting with other rape and sexual abuse survivors is an important part of healing. Their online support group includes a message board, chat room, and blogs. It is free to join and is safely moderated by a diverse group of survivors.
To access the newsletter and article CLICK HERE.
New 3-Minute Video on Porn Addiction
Check out this concise, easy to understand video on “The Science of Pornography Addiction”
It first appeared in the Fix and was posted on on Friday, February 22, 2013 .
It’s been getting tons of views.
Women’s Sexual Fantasies on “The Opening Door”
Wendy Maltz, author of “Private Thoughts” was recently interviewed by Wendy Strgar, host of the radio show, “The Opening Door”. Find out how to tap into the power of sexual fantasies by listening to this riveting conversation that offers you insight into one of the most mysterious and erotically powerful aspects of being a sexual human being.
To listen to a podcast of the interview,
“Your Brain in the CyberSex Jungle” 12-11-12 Radio Interview
In this second interview Gary Wilson of the popular Your Brain on Porn Website and Wendy Maltz LCSW DST, coauthor of The Porn Trap discuss recovery from porn addiction, how to analyze the role of masturbation in recovery, and strategies for creating healthy sexuality. Originally aired on Ashland Community Radio KSKQ 89.5 FM on December 11, 2012, you can listen to an archive of the show by
“Private Thoughts” Now Available in E-Reader Format
What do women really think about when it comes to sex? You can find out in Wendy Maltz’s ground-breaking classic, Private Thoughts: Exploring the Power of Women’s Sexual Fantasies (coauthored with journalist Suzie Boss). This internationally praised and popular book is now available in e-reader format with Amazon Kindle, Apple, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, and Blio. It is also pending e-reader publication with Sony, Google, and Overdrive. This new e-reader edition is published by New World Library, who publish Wendy’s two award-winning poetry anthologies,Passionate Hearts and Intimate Kisses.
Private Thoughts is based on a groundbreaking study of 100 women, ages 19-66. It explores the intimate world of women’s sexual fantasies: looking at where fantasies come from, how they function, what they mean, and how to change ones that are unwanted. It is entertaining and informative. Praised as “empowering,” “refreshing”, “important,” and “validating”, this book is considered THE resource for understanding the erotic imaginations of women. Originally published as In the Garden of Desire, Private Thoughts has passed the test of time to become a self-help classic and enduring guide for personal growth, sexual enrichment, and healing.
For information on the Amazon Kindle edition CLICK HERE
“Your Brain in the CyberSex Jungle” 10-23-12 Radio Interview
Gary Wilson of the popular Your Brain on Porn Website interviewed Wendy Maltz LCSW DST coauthor of The Porn Trap for his “Your Brain in the CyberSex Jungle” radio program. In this lively discussion they take look at why today’s Internet porn is different from porn of the past and what kinds of problems some users and their mates are experiencing. Originally aired on Ashland Community Radio KSKQ 89.5 FM on October 23, 2012, you can listen to an archive of the show for free by CLICKING HERE.
Sexual & Relationship Therapy Reviews “The Sexual Healing Journey”
The Sexual Healing Journey (3rd edition) has received a marvelous book review by Talli Y. Rosenbaum, in the recently released October 2012 issue of the professional journal “Sexual and Relationship Therapy.”
In her review, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, Talli Y. Rosenbaum, describes The Sexual Healing Journey as “comprehensive and easy to read” and shares that it is written in a manner that speaks directly to patients as well as clinicians. Talli goes on to point out that the book is “written with such warmth and understanding that the value of the empathic and non-judgmental therapeutic alliance is healing to the reader. Wendy Maltz….guides her readers through the process of understanding what has been lost, grieving it, reclaiming it and establishing a new reality.” Talli concludes by saying that she finds the therapeutic approach in The Sexual Healing Journey to be “validating and relevant to many couples seeking sex therapy.”
The first page of the review can be accessed by CLICKING HERE
Metro News article on “The Porn Problem”
Wendy was recently featured in an article on “The Porn Problem” by writer Michelle Castillo of Metro News. The article discusses how pornography can create serious problems for some people, especially when they develop an on-going sexual relationship with it.
The article mentions Wendy and Larry’s book “The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography.”
CLICK HERE to access the Metro News article
For more discussion, see Wendy’s article “Is Porn Bad for You” (aka. Out of the Shadows” at
The Sexual Healing Journey Book Trailer Is Now Up!
Many thanks to filmmaker Rob Bohannon and friends for creating this new book trailer for The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse (William Morrow, 2012, 3rd edition). In it I describe how I came to write the book and outline the comprehensive approach to sexual healing it provides. The book trailer includes pictures of the “relearning touch” exercises from the book, quotes from survivors, plus gorgeous shots of the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon.
You can also watch, comment on it, and share it with others at YouTube: CLICK HERE