Mui emocionado! So excited! I’m happy to announce that HarperMexico is publishing my book, The Sexual Healing Journey, in a multiple-country Spanish language edition in April-May 2021. (Mexico, US, & Spain). I have received many requests for a Spanish edition over the years. I believe the #MeToo and #YoTambien movements have increased awareness of the tremendous need for quality sexual recovery resources in Spanish. I thank Evelyn Salinas, for writing a wonderful forward to the book, and Natasha Prosperi for her support and encouragement from the beginning. I look forward to sharing more information about El Viaje para Sanar la Sexualidad: Una Guía para Sobrevivientes de Abuso with you as soon as it is available. Here is an illustration of what the cover will look like…..and the whole jacket.

Home » #MeToo
When #MeToo Triggers Painful Memories
Posted on October 28, 2017 by Wendy Maltz - Media Interviews, Sexual Abuse Healing
While the #MeToo movement is awesome and bringing much-needed attention to the ubiquitous problem of sexual abuse in our culture, it is also triggering some painful memories for many survivors. If that is the case for you or someone you know Wendy Maltz, author of The Sexual Healing Journey has helped write an informative article for Bottomline Health that gives lots of suggestions for ways to deal with upsetting feelings and and heal from what happened in the past. The article, “When #MeToo Brings Up Painful Memories of Sexual Abuse, Here’s Help” covers questions survivors have such as: whether and how much to disclose about past sex abuse, who to share with, what to do if the past offender is still in your life, when to seek therapy, and more.
Wendy is also featured in a program discussing #MeToo and Sexual Abuse Healing on the “About Health” KPFA Radio show with Dr. Will Courtenay, November 6, 2017. To listen, CLICK HERE FOR KPFA RADIO SHOW LINK
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